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Welcome to the United Benefice of Yalding with Laddingford and Collier Street. 

Due to current restrictions we have had to make changes to how our churches can serve you.


Yalding church will be open for Holy Communion every Sunday at 9.30am, and Collier Street church at 11am.


Yalding church is open daily, Monday - Friday, between 11am and 2pm for private prayer (and food bank donation drop off).


Current Government and Church of England guidelines are that Face Coverings must be worn in places of Worship unless you have been advised that you are unable to wear one due to medical conditions. If you do not have one, we can provide one before you come into church.


Updates and information will be posted here and on the church Facebook page.


If you wish to get in touch with the Vicar, please contact Fr. Paul Kish on 01622 814182 or via  email all other contact details can be found here


If during these troubled times you are in need of support, we can be contacted through  a dedicated email at or on the vicarage telephone number 01622 814182.


Please let us know if you or anyone you know is in particular need or is going to be staying at home in isolation from others so that we can telephone to ask how you are.


Please be assured of our prayers and God’s great blessing at this challenging time in our life together.


Fr. Paul Kish, vicar.

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